What to do with headache at home?

Sense of coolness
Wrap up a package of ice in a towel and place on your forehead, scalp or neck to lessen the pain. The experts cannot explain convincingly why this works, but perhaps decreasing the blood flow is the key. You can also soak the towel in a cold water and place on your forehead if ice is not available at that moment.
Over-the-counter medicines
Not all painkillers require a prescription Store some over-the-counter medicines at home to alleviate your headache.
Coffee and some other food products and drinks contain caffeine, and it may provide a slight relief. It can also help the body to absorb some migraine medicines faster. But one should be careful not to get used to a permanent caffeine dose leading not only to resistance but also symptoms of abstinence, such as fatigue and even more headache.
Dark, quiet room
Bright light and loud noises may aggravate headache. Therefore, find a place in your home away from the bustle where the light is dim or even absent. It may help.
When the headache peaks, you should not try doing any exercise as it may aggravate the situation; however, try to engage in regular exercise when you are feeling well because it may prevent headaches. Exercise releases endorphins, chemical substances that suppress pain. They also reduce stress and improve sleep.
This mineral is naturally occurring in green vegetables, wholegrain products and nuts (for more info: https://clariwell.com/lv/zem-mikroskopa ). Magnesium will not be of much help once the headache has started, yet some research shows that magnesium might be a good prevention for future headaches. You can get magnesium from your foods or use it in a form of food supplements, however, always consult your doctor before starting with food supplements.
Good sleep
One of preconditions of headache prevention is regular and good sleep. Too little or too much of it may cause headache and lower the pain threshold. Try going to sleep and waking up every day on the same time.
Vitamin B2
Known also as Riboflavin, it can be found in milk, cheese and meat (for more info: https://clariwell.com/lv/zem-mikroskopa ). Vitamin B2 can be also taken as a food supplement. Research shows that it may prevent migraine episodes.