The Clariwell Loyalty Programme offers its members the following benefits:
- permanent discount on all products for one year;
- prior information on news and promotions;
- a special discount on all new products.
Membership of the Loyalty Programme
Clariwell offers its Loyal Customers a continuous discount for one year. The amount of the discount depends on the number of products (food supplements) purchased in the previous year in the clariwell.com e-shop:
- 3-4 products: 5%
- 5-7 products: 10%
- 8-10 products: 15%
- 11 and more products: 20%
Customers who qualify for the Loyalty Discount will receive an e-mail at the end of each year informing them of their Loyalty Discount for the following year, which will apply as soon as the email is sent and will remain the same for the whole calendar year. Clariwell will review the amount of the permanent discount granted each year – the amount of the discount may change depending on the number of products purchased during the year.
The permanent discount in the e-shop is granted by identifying the customer by the customer’s telephone number.
Discounts do not sum up with other applicable discounts – the highest discount will always apply.

Clariwell gives large families a 15% discount on all purchases in the clariwell.com e-shop.
Membership of the Family Programme
Customers with a valid Latvian, Lithuanian or Estonian large family card qualify for the discount:
- In Latvia – Goda ģimene
- In Lithuania – Šeimos kortelė
- In Estonia – Perekaart
To receive the discount, you must provide the number and expiry date of a valid card during the checkout. The name of the purchaser must match the name on the card.
Discounts do not sum up with other applicable discounts – the highest discount will always apply.