Why do we eat if we are not hungry?

Eating disorders are very common and affect millions of people worldwide. They often appear together with other conditions – mainly mood swings and anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorders (anxiety conditions with obtrusive thoughts that cause discomfort, concerns, fear and stress) as well as alcohol and drug abuse problems. The evidence shows that genes and heredity play a role too, therefore some people are at larger eating disorder risk nevertheless these conditions may affect also people who never had anything like this. Eating disorders must not be ignored and they must be treated because not only they can lead to behaviour problems but also to heart and gastrointestinal conditions. There are three main types of eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating. Let's talk about the last one in context of most typical causes of overeating.
Chronic stress virtually inundates your body with cortisol, a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex. Increased cortisol secretion enhances appetite and switches on several mechanisms in your body that drive weight gain, especially in abdominal region (fat that accumulates in connective tissue) and it consequently contributes to development of diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. In order to quench your appetite after a tense meeting you, most probably, reach out for a snack. If your stress levels are constantly high, also cortisol level stays there and makes you eat more than you'd wish and need to.
If the rhythm of your life does not give you enough rest, the level of ghrelin (circulating hormone that sends brain signals of hunger) elevates. And it reduces the level of leptin (hormone that dampens hunger and urge to eat). Interplay of these two hormones regulate the sense of hunger. As a result, you feel hungry even when your body does not need food.
If you are nervous, eating gives you extra energy that allows to actively do something to distract you from anything that is worrisome at that moment. And there are people who are not capable of eating anything during tense and stressful events. If you do not get food, your body slows down as it perceives to be starving. When you finally calm down and eat, you most probably overeat.
Anxiety is indeed closely associated with eating disorders. Overeating may be a way to seemingly help you control your worries and stress.
Environmental pressure
Let's admit – we eat not only when depressed or concerned. Just think of meeting your friends at a pub or at gourmand friend's place. In a festive event with high moods or sitting at a full table it is difficult to catch the moment you are no longer hungry.
Food images
As you drive home from work and see a road-side ad with mouth-watering food or you watch TV in the evening and in the middle of your movie you notice an ad with your favourite food and you simply want it. Sometimes all it takes to spark up a desire to eat is an image of food. Studies show that food advertisement increases the likelihood of you taking any food at hand and stuff yourself up.
Drunkenness interferes with your ability to make the right decision about when and how much to eat. Alcohol consumption stimulates increased food intake hence not only it increases total calorie intake but also amount of food eaten while dizzy. Studies have shown that when drinking alcohol before or during the meal, the amount of food ingested increases up to 30%. Research also shows that alcohol consumption affects the part of brain responsible for self-control, therefore decision-making is compromised and you no longer can easily resist fast food and high salt, sugar and calorie foods like burgers, kebabs and pizzas. On top of that, yearning for such foods can continue the next day after drinking when you experience hangover.
How to discontinue such unreasonable eating? Find healthy ways to express your emotions, for example, exercise, do sports or meditate. Meet your friends who can support you in your efforts to eat with more awareness. Do not store unhealthy products such as chips and cookies at home. Do not go for shopping while hungry. Overcome stress and depression!