It’s hot, be careful!

Living in the Northern hemisphere, we certainly enjoy sun and warmth. We are looking for the summer and make the most of each moment of sun, nevertheless sometimes it may be too much! Weather, especially hot weather, may contribute to triggering certain health problems. High temperature combined with high humidity – these are two factors that may cause serious health problems for those suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease.
Why does it happen?
High temperatures and high humidity speed up circulation in the body – in small vessels that supply the skin and also makes the heart go faster. Blood circulation may be even two times faster than normally.
The risk starts when the thermometer exceeds 210C and air humidity goes beyond 70%. Some groups of people are exposed to higher risk. For example, people after 50 years of age; people with excess weigh; or people suffering from heart, lung or kidney problems. Those who have circulatory conditions or problems with blood circulation, persons who take diuretics, sedatives and blood pressure regulating medicines must monitor themselves closely.
Hot weather is accompanied by sweating which reduces the amount of water in the body, thus lowering the blood volume and causing dehydration, and it may interfere with body's ability to cool down and put a load on the heart. To put it simply, blood become too thick.
To avoid potential health problems, please note that you should monitor your blood pressure as needed when it is hot. Drink plenty of water, avoid the peak heat around midday and direct sun exposure, eat more fruit and vegetables during your meals, and less of heavy and fatty food. Apply sunscreen and put on a hat. If it is possible, stay at home or in cooled premises when it’s hot outside.
Warning signs that your body does not handle the hot weather:
- Confusion, disorientation
- Dizziness, headache
- Racing pulse
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Excessive sweating or inability to sweat
- Cold, damp skin
- Muscle cramps or spasms
- Swollen limbs
Be careful and look after yourself during the hod weather! If your health condition gets worse, definitely tell your physician!