Healthy chia seed pudding

This is a universal and easy recipe of chia seed pudding made from merely three products – milk, chia seeds and sweetener. To enhance pudding's nutrient profile and health benefits, including to your emotional health, you can add a handful of seasonal berries and fruit, rolled oats, seeds, for example, pumpkin seeds and nuts – almonds, Cashew nuts etc.
Not only it makes a sweet and tasty desert but also a healthy snack for adults and children, improving your mood and feeling of lightness! This recipe will also fit in a menu of persons suffering from migraines and strong headaches.
Ingredients (for 4 people)
- 2 glasses of almond milk
- 8 tablespoons of chia seeds
- 4 tablespoons of honey
- Fresh seasonal berries and fruit or seeds and nuts (pumpkin seeds, almonds, Cashew nuts)
1. Take four glasses or jars of 200 ml volume and fill them halfway with an almond milk (or any milk at your choice).
2. Add chia seeds – one serving needs 2 tablespoons of seeds (recommended ratio is 1 tbsp of chia seeds for 1/4 glass of milk).
3. Mix the seeds in milk well. Wait for some minutes for the seeds to sink and then mix them once again. It will ensure smooth consistency afterwards.
4. For more touch of sweetness you can add honey (or any other healthy sweetener at your choice), but you can do without it, if you want to make it sweeter only with, let's say, fresh berries and fruit or dried fruit.
5. When all ingredients are combined, put the pudding in the fridge, cover with a cling film or lid for 2 hours at least, leave them up to even 7 days when chia seeds have soaked in the milk and sweetener and are ready for serving.
6. To make the pudding healthier, garnish it with fresh seasonal berries and fruits or seeds and nuts that contain magnesium and other valuable nutrients.