7 recommendations to be ahead of migraine

Migraine can surprise you in the most unsuitable moments and it appears before we even know – it can happen during an important planning meeting or long-waited holiday with a family or friends. Whichever the case, the agonising headache is an unwanted guest looking forward to coming uninvited. To protect yourself from these unpleasant surprises, we have gathered seven recommendations that will help to alleviate migraine in your daily routine.

Recommendation #1

Introduce “Migraine first aid kit"!

Migraine can start anywhere – at home, school, work or supermarket. It is good to have the necessary medications and other resources helping with migraine at your hand and you can start using them as soon as the first signs of headache emerge. We recommend creating this “Migraine first aid kit" and keeping it in your handbag, backpack or car so that it is readily available!

Recommendation #2

Do not hesitate!

Even though we believe that medications, including painkillers, is only a partial solution, it can mitigate the unpleasant pain faster therefore do not hesitate and take them as soon as you feel the first signs of the migraine. 

Recommendation #3

Drink water!

Keep a bottle of water always at hand. It does not have to be big, but it will surely help. Migraine is often triggered by dehydration. If headache starts, drink water. Sometimes it is sufficient for the pain to subside. In any case, water will help to swallow your pill or make a wet compress for the head.

Recommendation #4

Apply a forehead compress!

Cool compresses applied on the head as soon as migraine symptoms appear can make you feel better. You can buy a small towel to keep in your "Migraine first aid kit". In some cases, a warm compress can help as well. Find the one that helps you best!

Recommendation #5

Keep sunglasses or earplugs at hand!

Dark, quiet room can help you in case of a migraine. However, if you are on the street in a sunny weather, you might struggle with finding one. What to do? Take the sunglasses with you! They will help you to volume down at least some brightness. If you are in a very noisy place, the earplugs might come in handy.

Recommendation #6

Prepare for nausea!

For some people migraine is accompanied by nausea. Take a drug prescribed by your doctor timely because you definitely don't want to struggle with headache and nausea concurrently. It is also not always the ultimate solution therefore be sure to keep a sick bag in your “Migraine first aid kit".

Recommendation #7

Try out essential oils!

Some research has shown that essential oils (lavender, chamomile, peppermint etc.) can help in migraine attacks. If that is an option, find a place where you can inhale these oils as soon as the headache starts or use an essential oil roller bottle.

Do not give up your hopes for complete ridding of migraine! Devote it some time and attention and it will repay abundantly. Find out more about migraine and other preventative measures on our website section Live easily! Check out migraine-related articles under hashtag #migraine! Remember also that food is our medicine, and it takes some changes in our menu and in some cases adding supplementation to reduce frequency, duration and intensity of migraines and headaches. Sometimes this strategy works so well in reducing the frequency of migraines that former patients tend to forget about this unpleasant fact in their lives.

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