11 signs that may indicate at depression

Depression is very complex topic. It is not merely about bad mood or despondency due to failed exam. There are many factors behind it. Change of seasons and lack of sun can cause so-called seasonal affective disorder, one form of depression. This condition affects one to two percent and in some regions even up to 8% of population. Medical problems and medications induce depression in approximately 10-15% of people. Postpartum depression is yet another form of this condition and it affects one in seven young mothers.
Our world-view and assumptions on how the world works can also lead to depression. Social media, opinion leaders and readily available information about successful people who know how to make money, look good and lead happy family life play increasingly important role in our daily life. Relying on such a beautiful “frame” may give you unreal hopes that later cause depression and anxiety. You may get a feeling that others are doing much better than you. Truth is quite the contrary – most people will never share their emotional, painful life stories with the outside world. Not being able to see the real life and true failures, can push you to doubt your own worth and hurt your confidence.
How to notice the first “witnesses” of depression and to pay attention to your emotional health? Here are 11 signs that may indicate at hidden depression. As you observe them you could pay more attention to your emotional health.
1. Shopacholism
Do you yearn to buy something as you enter the supermarket or online shop? Or perhaps you spend your leisure time shopping? Do you sometimes look at your bank balance and think that you cannot afford so many purchases but before you know it you are in the shop and let yourself run wild? It is not unusual for depressed people to use shopping at store or online to distract oneself from problems or self-esteem issues. Shopping just gives an illusionary lift of mood because it does not solve the underlying depression. Consider also the fact that shopping can be a sign of mania if you suffer from bipolar disorders.
2. Excessive alcohol consumption
Almost one third or people with severe depression abuse alcohol. If you feel an urge to drink to overcome anxiety and depression you could be one of those affected by depression. Even though alcohol may seem to overcome such worries and provide temporary relief from low mood, alcohol acts as a depressant and mood lowering agent, hence alcohol abuse may worsen and cause more frequent episodes of depression.
3. Forgetfulness
Depression can be one of reasons you feel brain fog – forgetfulness, memory decline, focusing problems, difficulties to learn. Research shows that chronic depression or stress may increase cortisol level in body. Studies have proven that people with high levels of circulating cortisol score much worse in memory tests. Depression-related memory loss is more pronounced in elderly populations. Good news is that by treating depression you can improve memory and learning functions.
4. Excessive internet consumption
If you feel that you wish to communicate more virtually rather than in real life; if you feel that there is not much interesting about real life while internet gives more positive emotions and satisfaction, it may indicate at depression. The research has shown a link between high level of depression and internet overconsumption. Depressive people often spend most of their time in internet or gaming.
5. Overeating and obesity
There are three mental health problems that are most typically linked to obesity: depression, overeating disorders and night eating syndrome. Research confirms the association between obesity and depression and between obesity and overeating. If depressed people try to lose weight, they often fall in low mood, and it compromises weight loss. So, depressive people should initially address depression because weight loss in itself will not solve the initial cause of obesity.
6. Shoplifting
Approximately one third of petty thieves suffer from depression. Some people who seem to be out of control of their lives feel powerless and insignificant, and small shoplifting empowers them and gives sense of importance. In addition to real threats and dangerous situations people who suffer from depression may feel adrenaline rush that helps to “feel something". Shoplifters find adrenaline rush more important than the item stolen.
7. Back pain
Research shows that depression can be a risk factor for chronic back pain. One study has shown that up to 42% of people suffering from chronic lower back pain (lumbar area) were depressed before their back pain appeared. It is, however, a complicated symptom as depression can go unnoticed and undetected because people simply do not associate depression with pain. Chronic pain also is able to put people at risk of depression. At any rate, back pain must not be left unattended.
8. Provocative sexual behaviour
Depression is more often related to lowered libido than increased sexual interest, however some people use sex to overcome depression or stress. Provocative, intensified sexual behaviour, dissoluteness, infidelity, sexual obsession and high-risk unsafe sex can indicate at depression. It is not always the case but it can be impulse control disorder or a sign of bipolar disorders. Anyway, if you notice such behaviour, definitely consult your doctor because conduct like this can have serious, adverse health and personal life implications.
9. Exaggerated emotions
Depressed people often have minor emotional expressions, as they are not happy about good things in life, they do not laugh and do not cry. Yet, sometimes they are overwhelmed by emotions. They can suddenly become aroused, irritated or even aggressive without a palpable cause. They can express exaggerated grief, hopelessness, concern or fear. Some can be consumed by feeling of unworthiness or excessive, inadequate feeling of guilt. The most important aspect in such conduct is suddenness. Especially if a person used to be harmonious and emotionally stable and then suddenly turns into hyperemotional, one should look out for depression as a potential cause.
10. Gambling addiction
People have different reasons to gamble – for adrenaline, for money, to socialise or try to avoid concerns or stress. Some people can become addicted to gambling and lose control over it. Just like the case is with petty thefts and adrenaline rush in shoplifters, gambling for depressed people also give intense sensations and allow them forgetting about their daily lives. Gambling affects part of our brain that release dopamine – “feel-good hormone” which entails sense of enjoyment and reward. This sense of “getting lost” in a long run just expand the scope of problems and make depression deeper.
11. Lack of self care
Did you not fasten your seatbelt while in your car? What does it have to do with depression? Sudden self-neglect regarding safety or hygiene may indicate at depression and low self-esteem. Signs can be minor, like not brushing teeth, not combing your hair, dirty clothes, or major ones: skipping diagnostic checkups or ignoring chronic illnesses such as heart diseases, asthma or diabetes.
Over time the physical and mental problems caused by depression may seriously influence your general health condition. Actually, depression impacts your brain function and may cause irreversible changes. Therefore, treating depression will help you feel motivated and be happy again. Treating severe depression is as important as treating any other serious condition. Do remember that depression can grow stronger and, if left untreated, it can be lethal. Treatment of depression is the best way to ensure that you receive the necessary care, therefore be sure to seek medical advice.