11 signs of burnout

It took more than 50 years to confirm that our professional life affects our health and sometimes lead to various conditions, and currently the burnout syndrome is included in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) as a diagnosis. The World Health Organisation has defined the burnout syndrome as follows:
- It is an occupational condition rather than a fixed state of health.
- The burnout syndrome is an umbrella term for all adverse changes in health condition related to chronic stress at work that has not been addressed properly.
- It is a psychological syndrome manifesting as a prolonged reaction to chronic interpersonal stress factors at work.
- Burnout is especially associated with events in a professional context, and it should not be used to describe experience in other walks of life.
If you have a stressful work and therefore you feel differently, make sure to rule out a possibility of the burnout syndrome.
1. You are exhausted
Are you so tired that movement seems almost impossible? Do you have to literally drag yourself out of bed to get to the work in morning? Do your 8 hours of work feel like 80? Do you feel exhausted both emotionally and physically?
2. You become cynical
The second feature that characterises the burnout is cynicism – a lack of interest in work, and it tends to be even negative or involve a loss of feelings. Exhaustion often leads to you expressing dissatisfaction or demonstratively belittling, criticising appearance, behaviour, conduct of other persons.
3. You feel like a fool
The third pillar of the burnout is a sense of incompetence – a feeling that you just are not able to be efficient. It leads to lack of achievements and productivity.
4. You are depressed
If you are exhausted, cynical and feel incompetent, no wonder that you can fall into depression. Studies show that burnout is primarily related to work, while depression is associated with daily life of a person, which involves your work, too. So, there's an interaction. Research shows that if a person has a predisposition to depression, he or she is more vulnerable to burnout.
5. You hate your work
Research shows that dissatisfaction with work is one of the main side-effects of the burnout syndrome (besides features like absence from work and various physical ailments).
6. You take it too personally
If your work-related stress becomes excessive or you notice becoming irritable towards your colleagues (or even worse – customers or cooperation partners), the burnout could be the culprit. The situation can worsen: blunt anger is another sign telling you that your work burns you out.
7. Your mind is wandering around
Inability to concentrate is one of the mental signs (in addition to forgetfulness) that may tell you the burnout is close. The ability to concentrate and remember is mainly deteriorated by daily anxiety and stress, brain overload, too many simultaneous activities. The studies show – multitasking interferes with concentration stability and creates more stress.
8. You find it difficult to fall asleep and get enough of it
Some research link troubled sleep to the burnout. And it is serious indeed! If you are lacking a good night's sleep, it can elevate the risk of cardiovascular diseases, increased blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and kidney diseases.
9. You have gut problems
Pain in the stomach and intestines can be related to the burnout syndrome. In case of intense stress most common conditions that appear are halting of intestinal peristalsis, which must move in normal situations, or quite the contrary – the bowel movements speed up as they receive more and more impulses from the brain. The first situation leads to constipation whereas in the second – diarrhoea. It may lead to a condition known as irritable bowel syndrome which affects person's digestive system leading to stomach aches, cramps, bloating and also diarrhoea and constipation.
10. You eat, drink and indulge too much
Food, alcohol and drug abuse to make yourself feel better can also be a symptom of the occupational burnout. It may entail very serious consequences. Obesity, alcohol or drug addiction – any of them requires a huge willpower and a lot of time to resolve the health implications.
11. Are you thirsty? Do you have a blurred vision?
Thirst and blurred vision are some of the signs of diabetes mellitus. Burnout can increase the risk of getting Type 2 diabetes. If you notice these or other symptoms of diabetes and you have problems at work that might be related to the burnout, definitely visit your doctor.